Author Archives: Grant Hudson

Carb Loading Before Runs

What is Carb Loading?

Carb loading, also known as carbohydrate loading, is a strategy used by endurance athletes to increase the amount of glycogen stored in their muscles before an event. Glycogen is a form of glucose that is stored in the muscles and used as energy during physical activity. By increasing glycogen stores, athletes aim to improve their endurance and delay fatigue during long-distance events such as marathons, triathlons, and ultramarathons.

How Does Carb Loading Work?

The basic principle behind carb loading is to deplete glycogen stores through intense exercise, followed by a period of increased carbohydrate intake to replenish glycogen stores. This process can be achieved through a variety of methods, including tapering, periodization, and modified high-carbohydrate diets.

Tapering involves reducing the intensity and volume of training in the week leading up to the event. This allows the body to recover and rest, while also depleting glycogen stores. Periodization involves alternating periods of high and low carbohydrate intake over the course of several weeks or months, with the aim of manipulating glycogen stores. Modified high-carbohydrate diets involve increasing carbohydrate intake while decreasing protein and fat intake in the days leading up to the event.

Benefits of Carb Loading

Carb loading has been shown to improve endurance and delay fatigue during long-distance events. This is because the body is able to access stored glycogen for energy instead of relying on the breakdown of fats and proteins. In addition, carb loading can also help prevent muscle damage and improve recovery post-exercise.

Who Can Benefit from Carb Loading?

Carb loading is most commonly used by endurance athletes such as runners, swimmers, and cyclists, but it can also be beneficial for other athletes participating in events lasting more than 90 minutes. However, it is important to note that carb loading is not necessary for all athletes and may not provide any additional benefits for those participating in shorter events.

Carb Loading Considerations

While carb loading can be an effective strategy for endurance athletes, it is important to keep in mind that it is not a one-size-fits-all approach and may not work for everyone. Factors such as the intensity and duration of the event, training history, and individual differences in metabolism should be considered when determining the best carb loading strategy.

It is also important to pay attention to the quality of the carbohydrates consumed during carb loading. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are generally more nutrient-dense and provide a sustained energy source compared to simple carbohydrates found in sugary foods and drinks.

In addition, it is important to properly time carbohydrate intake. Consuming carbohydrates too close to the event can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, while waiting too long may not allow enough time for glycogen stores to be fully replenished.


Carb loading is a popular strategy used by endurance athletes to increase glycogen stores and improve endurance during long-distance events. While it can be effective, it is important to consider individual needs and preferences, as well as the quality and timing of carbohydrate intake. With proper planning and execution, carb loading can be a useful tool for optimizing performance and improving endurance.

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Do Most People Get Enough Protein?

Protein supplements are a popular choice among gym-goers and athletes looking to build muscle mass and improve athletic performance. But do most people really need to be taking protein supplements? In this article, we will examine the role of protein in the human body, how much protein most people need, and whether protein supplements are necessary for most individuals.

What is protein and why is it important?

Protein is a macronutrient that plays a vital role in the human body. It is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of our tissues, enzymes, hormones, and other substances. Protein is essential for the growth, repair, and maintenance of our cells and tissues, as well as for the production of enzymes, hormones, and other molecules that regulate various bodily functions.

How much protein do most people need?

The recommended daily intake of protein varies depending on a person’s age, sex, and level of physical activity. According to the Institute of Medicine, the recommended daily intake of protein for adults is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. This means that a sedentary woman weighing 68 kilograms (150 pounds) should aim for about 55 grams of protein per day, while a sedentary man weighing 77 kilograms (170 pounds) should aim for about 62 grams per day.

However, if you are physically active or trying to build muscle mass, you may need more protein. The American Dietetic Association recommends that athletes and active individuals consume 1.2-2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, depending on the intensity and duration of their training. For example, a physically active woman weighing 68 kilograms (150 pounds) may need up to 136 grams of protein per day, while a physically active man weighing 77 kilograms (170 pounds) may need up to 154 grams per day.

Do most people need protein supplements?

For most people, it is possible to meet their protein needs through a balanced diet that includes a variety of protein-rich foods, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts, and seeds. However, some people may find it difficult to get enough protein from their diet alone, such as vegetarians and vegans, or people with certain medical conditions that affect their ability to absorb or metabolize protein. In these cases, protein supplements can be a convenient and effective way to meet their protein needs.

On the other hand, there is no evidence to suggest that protein supplements offer any additional benefits for people who are able to meet their protein needs through their diet. In fact, overconsumption of protein, especially from protein supplements, has been linked to negative health effects, such as kidney damage, bone loss, and increased risk of heart disease.

What are the potential risks of protein supplements?

While protein supplements can be a useful tool for certain individuals, they are not without risks. Some protein supplements are high in calories and may contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess. Additionally, many protein supplements are loaded with artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and other additives that may have negative health effects.

Furthermore, protein supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the same way as food products. This means that the quality and safety of protein supplements can vary widely. Some protein supplements may contain contaminants, such as heavy metals or pathogens, that can be harmful to your health.


Most people do not need protein supplements to meet their protein needs. A balanced diet that includes a variety of protein-rich foods is generally sufficient to support the growth, repair, and maintenance of the body’s tissues and functions. However, for certain individuals who may have difficulty meeting their protein needs through their diet, such as

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Cross Training: The Benefits for Your Health

What is Cross Training?

Cross training is a type of exercise that involves participating in a variety of different fitness activities, rather than just focusing on one specific type of exercise. This can include activities such as running, cycling, swimming, and strength training, as well as other sports or fitness activities. The goal of cross training is to improve overall physical fitness and health, rather than just focusing on one specific aspect of fitness.

Benefits of Cross Training

There are many benefits to incorporating cross training into your fitness routine.

Improved Cardiovascular Health One of the primary benefits of cross training is the improvement in cardiovascular health. By participating in a variety of different activities that get your heart rate up, you can improve your cardiovascular endurance and reduce your risk of heart disease. This is because cross training helps to strengthen the heart muscle and improve blood flow, which can help to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Increased Muscular Strength and Endurance

In addition to improving cardiovascular health, cross training can also help to increase muscular strength and endurance. By participating in a variety of different activities that focus on different muscle groups, you can improve your overall strength and endurance. This can be especially beneficial for those who are looking to increase their athletic performance or simply want to become stronger and more fit.

Reduced Risk of Injury

Another benefit of cross training is the reduced risk of injury. By participating in a variety of different activities, you can help to reduce the risk of overuse injuries that can occur when you focus on just one type of exercise. This is because cross training helps to evenly distribute the stress placed on the body, which can help to prevent overuse injuries and keep you healthy and active.

Improved Mental Health

In addition to the physical benefits of cross training, there are also numerous mental health benefits. Exercise, in general, has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. By participating in a variety of different activities, you can help to keep your workouts interesting and enjoyable, which can help to keep you motivated and engaged in your fitness routine.

Better Athletic Performance

For athletes, cross training can also be an effective way to improve performance. By participating in a variety of different activities, you can improve your overall physical fitness and become a well-rounded athlete. This can be especially beneficial for those who participate in sports that require a combination of different physical skills, such as basketball or soccer.


In conclusion, cross training is a great way to improve overall physical fitness and health. By participating in a variety of different activities, you can improve your cardiovascular health, increase muscular strength and endurance, reduce the risk of injury, and improve your mental health. Additionally, cross training can also be an effective way to improve athletic performance. So if you’re looking to mix up your fitness routine and improve your overall health, consider incorporating cross training into your workouts.

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