Author Archives: nancy watney

Java Slim Green Coffee Extract: Ripoff

Java Slim Green Coffee BoxOne of the most common and most-bought health supplements today are natural weight loss supplements. How many of them have you tried? Did any of them work? There are so many copy-cat companies that jump on the bandwagon whenever something becomes popular and this is certainly no exception. Green coffee extract is the hottest thing on the market right now, which all started when Dr. Oz talked about this miracle weight loss pill on his popular daytime TV show.

The very first thing I noticed about Java Slim? I don’t see how it can work at all, considering:

  • Only 400mg
  • You only get 30 capsules
  • Most of what you get is filler ingredients, NOT GREEN COFFEE EXTRACT

lady-questionsWe Don’t Even Know Who MAKES It!

Java Slim Green Coffee Extract seems to be everywhere. Going to the drugstore? You’ll probably see it in a pretty display at the end of the aisle. Going to go buy something from Amazon? You’ll see it there, too. But what’s odd is… WHO or WHERE does it actually come from? It appears that they simply just give it to anyone who wants to sell it for them, seeing as you can find it in so many places. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be buying from who ever it is that makes it.

I mean, really. If you buy it from the drugstore and then it doesn’t work or something happens and you have questions… is the drugstore going to be able to give you the details about how or where it was manufactured? What do they know? I’ll tell you. They know as much as you do. Whatever information is right there on the box. They didn’t make it. They don’t know what was used or what methods were used.

Speaking of the information on the box. That’s a whole other can of worms. You know that we’re sticklers on a few things around here at Alive. One is to KNOW what you’re buying before you ever buy it. So let’s look at what information is provided on the box (since there’s apparently no official site or anything for Java Slim green coffee pills… all we have to go on is what the box says).

no-chlorogenic-shockedNo Chlorogenic Acid?

If you read our information guide on green coffee extract then you’ll know that Dr. Oz says any green coffee pills you buy should have at least 45% chlorogenic acid to get good results.

They don’t list any % of Chlorogenic acid on the label, probably for a reason. recently did a test of all the leading brands of green coffee, and found some had NO Chlorogenic acid at all! That is why Dr Oz recommends buying a brand that has AT LEAST 45% Chlorogenic Acid. If they don’t put the % on the label, you KNOW it is bad.

So does Java Slim have chlorogenic acid? Not that we can tell. They don’t mention it at all.

Any green coffee extract worth buying will tell you clearly it has a minimum of 45% and/or have Svetol on the box.

Not A Truly Natural Product

Another thing we always stress when buying natural weight loss pills is that they should be as pure as can be. They shouldn’t be stuffed with filler ingredients. That’s exactly what it looks
like the case is for Java Slim. Just look at all these ingredients!

stay-awayDefinitely Not Good Deal

Considering everything above, I’d definitely stay away from Java Slim Green Coffee Extract. There are just too many red flags, let alone that it doesn’t seem to even have Svetol or the minimum of 45% chlorogenic acid that it should have to be effective. It just goes to show that it’s sometimes true – you get what you pay for. I’d much rather pay a little bit more for something that is a quality, pure product from a company that is forthcoming and cares about their customers. Wouldn’t you?


Choosing A Supplier

Take some time to do your research before buying any supplement. You want to make sure that it’s safe, pure and that the supplier will be there should you have any questions or problems. Anyone you consider buying from should have a solid reputation and be available for questions both after AND before purchasing.


Throughout all of our research, we can confidently recommend this green coffee extract found here. High quality. Pure. Effective. Proven. You can find it on Amazon, too, but a lot of the time it doesn’t have the same discount there.

As recommended by Dr Oz, it:

  • contains Svetol
  • completely natural with no filler ingredients
  • Has 60% Chlorogenic Acids
  • Is proven to be effective




Posted in Green Coffee Bean Reviews, Reviews. Tagged with , .

A Proven Product GC50 Review

Good product if you wanna spend more money!Here is a company actually worth some pretty decent attention and praise. A division of aProvenProduct, aPProved is one of the other leading green coffee supplement providers. They aren’t some fly by night company that popped up in the wake of the green coffee hype after Dr. Oz talked about it on the show. Nope. They’ve actually been around quite some time and they’re one of the few companies out there that we can say we respect.

Pro: Company with High Standards

They carefully test all their products. Why? Because yes, even the biggest name brands in the industry can make a mistake here and there. We agree, which is why believe in doing the same thing. Every single product that we ship out has been tested and passed with flying colors. There aren’t a lot of green coffee pill suppliers that go through that trouble. Many of them just are in too much of  a hurry to push as much product as they can out the door. That’s just not good business.

Why else do we respect them? Like us, they believe in thorough research. They’ve taken the time to study the studies (over 180 of them have been done… did you know that?). Again, most other companies out there wouldn’t care less about truly learning about the products they make such big claims about.

Instead of simply just making claims and pushing products. They want you to be educated, as we do, so they give advice, tips and information about green coffee extyract that will actually be helpful to you.

The Downside? They Charge Way Too Much!

So yes, in a nutshell we very much respect their organization. There’s just one downfall – for you. The price! At about $114 for three bottles, that’s roughly twice the amount you could get a 3-pack for. If you want a pure, high quality product that has everything that Dr. Oz recommends then check out the available green coffee supplements here. You won’t pay nearly as much, which is always a good thing. Right?


Choosing A Supplier

You know that we believe in high quality products, but we don’t believe that you should have to pay ridiculous prices for it. Therefore, we highly recommend this Svetol green coffee extract. It has everything that we look for at a great price. If you prefer, you can also buy it from Amazon (buy three from Amazon and they give you one free). 


Click for larger size to read label.

Click for larger size to read label.

As recommended by Dr Oz, it:

  • contains Svetol
  • completely natural with no filler ingredients
  • Has 50% Chlorogenic Acids
  • Is proven to be effective



Posted in Green Coffee, Green Coffee Bean Reviews, Reviews. Tagged with , , .

How 5htp helps you lose weight

When you start thinking about getting a wider bathroom mirror, you know you’re in trouble—especially if the present one goes wall-to-wall. And when the Post Office says it’s going to give you your own ZIP code, that does it. You stamp your foot, call a contractor to repair the hole you just made in the floor, and vow that you’re going to do something about all that flab. You want to be slim, sure, but how are you going to accomplish that? Well, duh—by losing weight, of course.

Americans have been losing a lot of weight lately. Unfortunately, most of it has been from their wallets. Compared to the weight-loss industry, there is probably no enterprise, with the possible exception of government, that promises so much to so many, yet delivers so little to so few—while raking in piles of money for consistently achieving near-total failure. You’ve probably heard it all before: diets don’t work, any weight loss won’t last, some diets are bogus, others are harmful, the “guarantees” are worthless, the promoters are crooks, etc. (Now you’ve heard it all again—sorry.)

The sad thing is, much of that is true. And despite our collective obsession with weight loss, we have become the earth’s fattest, least-fit people—including our kids—and it’s getting worse all the time. That’s great news for the weight-loss hucksters, whose skill at separating people from their money must make politicians green with envy, because these people fork it over willingly! (P. T. Barnum was right.)

Supplements Can Help with Weight Loss

supplementsSince the laws of physics have not been repealed lately, it bears repeating that there are only two ways to lose weight: (1) reduce energy intake (consume fewer calories), and (2) increase energy expenditure (burn more calories). Simple, no? Simple, not—it’s very hard for most people to do. It’s for the strong of heart and mind. It takes willpower and self-discipline, without which your chances of losing weight are about the same as those of Congress being seized by a sudden attack of ethical behavior.

Fortunately, though, the laws of chemistry haven’t been repealed either, and there are ways in which your willpower and self-disciplined efforts to take in fewer calories and burn off more calories can be augmented by the reactions of certain nutritional supplements. Let’s look at two of them: 5-HTP, which helps reduce energy intake, and EGCG (from green tea), which helps increase energy expenditure.

5-HTP Suppresses Appetite

In the human body, the amino acid 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is the immediate precursor to one of the brain’s most important neurotransmitters, serotonin. Serotonin helps to regulate mood, sleep, and appetite, among other things. In cases of serotonin deficiency (which can arise in different ways), there is a tendency to become depressed, to sleep poorly, and to overeat. It is believed, e.g., that genetically induced serotonin deficiency is a common factor in obesity, and there is no doubt that this compound has a major influence on eating behavior.1

It almost goes without saying that when you have a deficiency of some substance, you should try to correct it by supplementing with that very substance—or, in some cases, with a precursor substance, which is sometimes more desirable. To correct serotonin deficiency, it’s preferable to take not serotonin itself, but 5-HTP.* Your body converts much of it to serotonin, which is found not only in the brain but also in relatively high concentrations in blood platelets and in the intestinal wall. (Serotonin is a powerful stimulant of smooth muscle and may play a role in promoting intestinal peristalsis.) By boosting brain serotonin levels, 5-HTP helps create a feeling of satiety (fullness), thus suppressing appetite. Hence, energy intake is reduced (weight-loss key #1).

*Although it occurs naturally in the human body, 5-HTP is obtained for use as a supplement from the seeds of an African plant, Griffonia simplicifolia. It is the identical molecule.

5-HTP Reduces Caloric Intake

Most of the clinical studies on the use of 5-HTP for weight loss were done by a group of Italian researchers at the University of Rome in the early 1990s. In one such study on 19 obese women (a 5-week, double-blind, crossover trial in which each woman served as her own control), 79% of the women reported a decrease in appetite while taking 5-HTP.2 This was borne out by measurements of their actual caloric intake: it was found that supplementation with 5-HTP reduced the women’s daily intake by 508 calories—a 22% reduction compared with placebo. Over the 5-week period, the women lost an average of 3.1 lb with 5-HTP, vs. 0.9 lb with placebo. The amount of 5-HTP used daily (taken in three divided servings) was 3.6 mg per pound of body weight; this corresponds to a total of 450 mg per day for a 125-lb woman, or 900 mg per day for a 250-lb woman.

5-HTP Produces Weight Loss, Diet or Not

In a second study, the Italian researchers put 14 obese women on a 1200-calorie/day diet for 6 weeks.3 Some were given 300 mg of 5-HTP 30 minutes before meals (a total of 900 mg per day), while the others were given placebo. Over the 6-week period, the women taking 5-HTP lost 6.8 lb, on average, compared with 1.5 lb for the women on placebo.

In the same study, the researchers had previously tested the same women during a 6-week period in which they were given the same daily 5-HTP (or placebo) regimen, but without any dietary restrictions. Over that 6-week period, the average weight loss was less (not surprisingly), but still appreciable: 3.5 lb with 5-HTP and 1.1 lb with placebo. Thus, with or without dietary restrictions, the women in this study lost substantial amounts of weight (10.3 lb total) while taking 5-HTP—4 times as much as with placebo (2.6 lb total).

5-Fold Greater Weight Loss with 5-HTP

In yet a third study, of essentially the same design as the one just discussed, but with 20 obese women, the Italian researchers found that 300 mg of 5-HTP taken 30 minutes before meals resulted in a 6-week weight loss of 7.3 lb with 5-HTP vs. 1.8 lb with placebo when the women were on the restrictive 1200-calorie/day diet.4 Without the diet, the women had 6-week weight losses of 3.7 lb and 0.6 lb, respectively. Thus, the total weight losses over the 12-week period of this study were 11 lb with 5-HTP and 2.4 lb with placebo—a nearly 5-fold difference. The 11-lb weight loss represented 5% of the women’s starting weight of 220 lb.

“. . . oral administration of the
green tea extract stimulated
thermogenesis and fat oxidation
and thus has the potential to
influence body weight and
body composition . . . .”

In this third study, 5-HTP also produced dramatic results in terms of the women’s feelings of early satiety, i.e., feeling full earlier than usual during a meal. When the women were not on the restrictive diet, 100% of those who were taking 5-HTP reported early satiety. Even when they were on the diet, however (but taking 5-HTP), this feeling persisted: the figure then was a remarkable 90%. Clearly, the feeling of early satiety led the women to eat less than usual, resulting in the weight losses observed.

Slow Buildup Is Best with 5-HTP

In the studies discussed above, about two-thirds of the women reported mild nausea while taking these very large doses (up to 900 mg/day) of 5-HTP; in the second and third studies, nausea occurred during the first 6 weeks but not during the second 6 weeks. In real life, the easy way to avoid nausea caused by 5-HTP is to start with a small amount and build it up gradually over a period of 2 weeks; this is sufficient time to allow the body to adjust, and thereafter the supplement is well tolerated.5

-written by Will Block at

Posted in diet, Uncategorized.

Dr. Oz Show And Green Coffee Extract Study

greencoffeebeansIn 2012, the incredibly popular Dr Oz show has featured Green Coffee supplements as a diet aid a record breaking 3 times. Once in May, again on September 10, and repeating the Sept 10 show on Dec 27th.

The Original Study that Sparked the Fire

The study that spurred Dr. Lindsay Duncan and Dr. Oz to bring the news of a miracle weight loss pill to the Dr Oz show was actually very small. Published in the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal, the study followed 16 overweight adults for 12 weeks.

Just by adding green coffee bean extract to their daily routine, they lost an amazing ten percent of their body weight and 16 percent body fat. More exactly, they lost an average of 17 pounds each over the course of the study.

They were directed not to change their eating or exercising habits. In fact, they were eating way more calories than what they burned off, so you would expect to see weight gain not weight loss. But that didn’t happen. They lost an amazing amount of weight without doing anything different other than taking the extract.

Dr Duncan appeared on the Dr Oz show in May 2012 to talk about this study and introduce the world to Green Coffee Extract as a weight loss supplement.

Dr. Oz Performs His Own Green Coffee Study

After the May episode, Green Coffee bean diet products really took off and thousands of people found success with it as a diet aid, prompting Dr Oz to investigate further.

On September 10th, Dr. Oz aired a groundbreaking show, revealing the study that he and his medical team had done and the results. This was the largest project that has ever been carried out for the show and the results once again prove just how effective green coffee extract is at helping you lose weight.

Tightly controlled, well supervised testing
The medical team that oversaw the study consisted of Kristin Kirkpatrick (a registered dietician)and Dr. Caroline Apovian. Together, they set up the ground rules and the structure of the study. 100 overweight women between the ages of 35 and 49 who had struggled with losing weight were brought in to be the test subjects. Their BMI ranged between 25 and 45. They wanted to minimize variants that could possibly influence the results, so the approval process for participating included several factors:

  • They couldn’t be breastfeeding
  • They couldn’t be pregnant
  • They couldn’t have any major medical problems like diabetes
  • They couldn’t have ever had a stroke or a heart attack

Each woman was given a bottle of pills, which was either the real coffee bean extract or a placebo.

  • 400 mg capsules, 3 times a day
  • No additional exercise
  • No changes to diet

They took one pill three times a day about 30 minutes before each meal (these were 400mg capsules, but you can also find them in 800mg so you don’t have to remember to take it as many times per day). Just like in the original study, they were asked not to make any changes to their diet or add any exercise. The women were required to keep a food journal to track everything that they were eating.

The Results

This study lasted for two weeks. Very simple and quick, as they wanted to test the effectiveness of the extract and get results quick. After two weeks, the women were brought in weighed and evaluated. They were all present on the show, seated in the audience. The women still didn’t know if they had been taking a placebo or the real deal.

After revealing which half of the audience had received the placebo and which half had been taking the extract, it was time to present the results. The results were clear.

Those taking the green coffee supplements lost TWICE as much weight as those that didn’t

The control group- those women who were taking placebo pills did lose on average 1 pound – probably due to the extra scrutiny they paid to what they ate over the test period. The other group lost 2 pounds over the 2 weeks test period. Not a huge amount, but definately significant and attained with NO effort.

Is Green Coffee Extract Right for You?

“There are no indications that green coffee bean extract has any harmful side effects” ~Dr. Oz

It should also be mentioned that there are apparently zero side effects. You might think you’d get the ‘jitters’ from caffeine, but there’s very little caffeine in this extract and not a single participant experienced any kind of jitteriness (is that a word?).

Green coffee extract is fine for any healthy adult who needs help losing weight. It isn’t recommended for anyone under the age of 18 (there hasn’t been any studies on younger people, so there’s not sufficient data to say it’s safe). Also, don’t take this extract if you’re breastfeeding or may be pregnant. Again, there just isn’t enough information available yet to show that it would be safe in those situations. Of course, if you’re allergic to caffeine or coffee then you shouldn’t take it.

“Green coffee bean extract has very little caffeine it, much less than is in coffee” ~Dr. Oz

Chlorogenic acid attacks and kills off fat cells. It also helps prevent new ones from forming. You don’t have to eat any kind of special diet or add any more e xercise into your lifestyle that you don’t already do (if you do any at all). Simply by taking an extract like Svetol® green coffee bean extract three times per day before meals, you’ll start dropping pounds.

Green coffee bean extract is taken from coffee beans in their raw form. They’re never put through a roasting process. These coffee beans have an antioxidant inside called chlorogenic acid, which is where the magic comes from – not caffeine. In fact, there’s very little caffeine at all in green coffee beans. When green coffee beans are roasted, the chlorogenic acid is destroyed. So don’t think you’re going to lose weight by drinking “green” coffee drinks.

Buying Green Coffee Bean Extract

“Not all green coffee is created equal” ~Dr. Oz

If you’re going to buy green coffee extract, buyer beware. Dr Oz was very upset about the explosion of websites selling extract that doesn’t contain enough of the chlorogenic acid or is simply filled with filler ingredients. He made it very clear that he doesn’t endorse ANY particular brand, but did give some very clear direction on how to be sure you get quality product that will produce results. According to Dr Oz, look for green coffee Extract that:

  • List Svetol® on the label
  • Has at LEAST 45% Chlorogenic Acid
  • Has ZERO fillers or additives
  • at LEAST 400 mg per capsule

You should be looking at the labels and reading the ingredients. To be effective, you need to ensure that any extract you buy has a minimum of 45 percent chlorogenic acid. If the supplier isn’t providing you a way to actually see and read the ingredients, then don’t buy it.

Make sure it specifically says “No fillers” and “No artificial ingredients”. Many companies call their green coffee extract “pure”, but don’t get duped. This doesn’t really mean anything. Read the label. Read the ingredients.

**All quotes above have been taken directly from the Dr. Oz show

Our Recommendation

You can find cheaper products that may save you a few dollars, but are full of cheap fillers or crappy product and might not work…

We take pride in offering only the highest quality products. Our green coffee extract has:

  • Svetol
  • 50% Chlorogenic Acid
  • NO fillers or additives
  • 800 mg per capsule

(as recommended by Dr Oz)

click on images, or here, for more info.

Posted in diet, featured, Green Coffee.

New, Little Known Superfoods for Weight Loss

The best thing for losing weight isn’t the latest magic pill that’s being hyped up across TV shows and news. In reality, if you want to lose weight the right way and be healthy, the very first place you should be looking is the grocery store. Here, we’ve put together a list of some of the main things you should be bringing home when you go to the grocery store and we think you might be surprised. We think you’ll be surprised at simplicity of these foods and how affordable they are, as well as just  how powerful they are at helping you lose weight.

Burning Fat With Beans

There are actually a lot reasons we’ve included beans at the top of our list. They’re super cheap. Just about anyone can afford a bag of beans. Most can be bought for merely a couple of bucks. They last a long time and are very versatile in the number of ways you can prepare them. There are the traditional bean soups, but if you like salads, many beans are great on salads. If you find you just can’t get used to and enjoy one kind, move on to the next! There are all kinds of beans you can try out.

Beans are an amazing fat buster thanks to the resistant starch and fatty acid butyrate found in beans. The resistant starch means that half the calories in beans will never be absorbed by your body. Secondly, the fatty acid butyrate will help you decrease the amount of body fat you have and some say, even possibly prevent some forms of cancer.

A lot of people associate eating beans with getting gas. The solution? Eat more beans. The more beans you eat, the more your body will build up a good bacteria that is used to effectively digest them.

Trick Your Brain into Being Full with Pine Nuts

Pine nuts contain a fat called pinolenic. This fat actually produces two super hormones that play a vital role in helping you lose weight. These hormones are called cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide. What’s so important about them? When these hormones are present, they send signals to your brain telling it that your stomach is full.

The result can be a very substantial appetite reduction. In one study, the participants were eating dramatically less after they started including pine nuts in their daily diet: Up to 36 percent less to be exact.

What’s even more impressive is that you don’t have to eat a lot of pine nuts to get this effect. Enough pine nuts to fill a shot glass are plenty to reduce your appetite and lose weight. Oh, and pine nuts also give you a good amount of protein.

Fight Morning Hunger with Fennel Tea

Fennel tea clears your palate so to say and refreshes your taste buds, but that’s not the main reason why so many people recommend drinking this powerful drink right before going to bed. The main reason is to avoid those early morning cravings, so you can choose your breakfast sensibly. When you drink fennel tea just before you bed, you don’t wake up starving like you likely would otherwise.

Fennel tea also helps your digestive system so you can more effectively digest the foods you eat, absorb the nutrients from those foods and helps prevent the storage of fat in your body.

Protein Powerhouse – Crimini Mushrooms

Packed full of protein, crimin mushrooms are often called baby-bellas (they’re basically just little min portabella mushrooms). They have a nice rich meaty flavor that makes them the perfect choice for meat substitutions. So the next time you’re prepping some burgers, meatloaf or meat sauce, replace some of that meat with these mushrooms.

You’ll instantly reduce the amount of fat in that dish and add healthy proteins without ever feeling shortchanged on flavor.

In addition to that, some researchers believe that crimini mushrooms have properties that will fortitude your immune system, making it easier to fight off and prevent cancer (and the development of tumors).

Apples Stop Fat & Calories in Their Track

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Ok, maybe not always, but an apple a day certainly does keep fat away. Try to snack on apples between meals or at least chop some up and put them on your salad before dinner. Why? Apples have pectin. Pectin is a fiber that’s super-powerful when it comes to weight loss.

When you eat apples, the pectin in them will decrease the amount of calories and sugar your body will absorb… so it makes sense to eat them before you plan on eating a meal.

Another important benefit of eating apples is keeping your blood glucose sugar levels in check. If you snack on apples, you’ll help your body to keep a steady and healthy blood glucose sugar level and avoid the mindless eating that comes from a blood glucose level crashing down from a high.

raspberriesBoost Metabolism with Raspberry Ketone

You can’t lose weight if your metabolism in a lull. A super easy way to kick-start your metabolism and keep it going is by using a raspberry ketone supplement. Raspberry ketone comes from raspberries. Raspberry ketone will control your adiponectin, which is what dictates just how fast or slow your metabolism runs.

In addition to that, it obliterates current fat cells and helps prevent your body from forming more.

While it’s true that raspberry ketone comes from raspberries, you’ll be hard-pressed to get enough of it from eating raspberries to make any difference. In fact, it would be pretty much impossible! In order to get the amount of raspberry ketone needed to achieve weight loss, you’d have to eat ninety pounds of raspberries. Not only is that, as we said, pretty much impossible, but it’d defeat the purpose. Instead, you will need to find a good raspberry ketone supplement.

Chili Peppers Reduce Appetite

If you love spicy then you’re gonna love this. Chili peppers! Inside chili peppers is a compound by the name of casaicin. Casaicin increases your body temperature, which in turn increases your metabolism. It’s also been shown that eating chili peppers will decrease your appetite.

So the next time you think your burgers, pasta or other meal is ready to eat… think twice and add some chilis or chili sauce to it to give yourself a weight-loss boost. Do this often to keep your appetite and cravings in check, as well as to boost your metabolism.

Stop Carbohydrate Fat Absorption with Vinegar

We talk a lot about your blood glucose sugar levels, because when they’re spiraling from one extreme to the next, you are very likely to mindlessly eat… just following cravings that your body is telling you need. Well, vinegar is another great way to keep them under control. Vinegar will help your body maintain a healthy blood sugar level that isn’t swinging out of control every few hours.

On top of that, vinegar is especially important if you love your potatoes and pasta. If you include vinegar in your diet then your body will not absorb those carbohydrates as fast. You can take vinegar and make all kinds of different, yummy sauces or vinaigrette to match just about any kind of cuisine you favor, too. Most are very easy to make and don’t cost much at all. Of course, there are plenty store-bought version too.

chiaseedsChia Seeds a Secret Source of High Fiber

Chia sees are a hot topic right now. All the healthy living websites and TV shows seem to be featuring them and giving ideas on how you can use them in your own kitchen. These little seeds are a powerhouse of fiber, that’s for sure.

What’s cool about chia seeds is that they’re pretty easy to incorporate into your daily diet since they can easily be used in both food and drinks. When you start using them, you will feel fuller and not want to eat as much. They’re also good for helping to reduce cholesterol levels and reducing the amount of fat your body stores.

If you want a really easy way to get chia seeds into your diet, make this simple drink. Toss in some sweetener or juice (pomegranate is always good) to a glass of water, sprinkle some chia seeds in and top it off with a slice of lemon.

Green Tea for the Long Haul

A few years ago, green tea was all the rage (much like the chia seeds are now). But just because it isn’t being talked about everywhere you turn doesn’t mean that it is no longer as effective at helping you lose weight. That’s not the case at all. It’s just there’s always something newer, something ‘just discovered’ that everyone wants to talk about.

Green tea is still very much effective. It helps you get rid of those cravings and helps you to feel fuller. So instead of a sugar-filled juice or soda (no-no), drink green tea between meals instead. At least some of the time.

If you continue to drink tea on a regular basis you’ll continue to stack the benefits of it. The longer that you use green tea, the more powerful it starts to become as your body adjusts. Your body will start refusing to store fat like it used to. It will start metabolizing food quicker, easier and more effectively. It’ll even start dealing with your cravings in a completely different manner.

Dump Cravings with Pepitas

Pepitas, pepitas… wondering what on earth that is? No, it’s not some miraculous new finding or exotic food ingredient. They’re simply squash seeds and pumpkin seeds. Pepitas is the Spanish word for them. They’re full of powerful Omega-3 fatty acids, which we all know are vital for our health. But that’s not all. They’re also incredible sources of magnesium and protein, which means that they are very helpful at reducing your appetite and getting rid of cravings.

The beauty of these seeds is just how simple they are to prepare. Nothing crazy. You can simply pop ‘em in the oven and roast them with a sprinkling of seasonings, use them as part of crusting for meats or put them on a salad.

red-lentilsFiber Filled Red Lentils

Red lentils are an amazing source of fiber. Just eating a single cup of them a day will give you three quarters the fiber that you should be trying to get each day. Now that’s fiber-packed for you, isn’t it?

Fiber is just one of the benefits that you get with red lentils. While fiber is vital in helping you feel nice and full, protein is just as important. Red lentils are another one that can be fixed in a variety of ways, too. They make a good meat substitute since they’re so packed with protein or you can do what many people do and fix up a delicious red lentil soup.

Watermelon – A Meat Alternative?

Watermelon is one of the most popular, nice-n-light foods during the summer. But I bet there’s a good chance you didn’t realize just how good it is for you. A lot of people recommend it when it’s especially hot out, because it’s high in water content. But surprisingly, it’s also incredibly high in protein and fiber.

Most people don’t realize just how powerful watermelon can be in a healthy diet or to lose weight. Watermelon can realistically be used as the protein in any meal with as much protein as it has. And it doesn’t take a lot, either. Again (like we mentioned above with the red lentils), it only takes a cup of watermelon to get ¾ of the daily recommended allowance of fiber.

Cinnamon for Weight Loss?

The next time you’re eating cinnamon toast, remember this… Cinnamon is a super spice when it comes to weight loss – not just a yummy addition to your meal. Eating cinnamon can make it easier to lose weight, because food doesn’t pass through your stomach as fast as it normally would. Add cinnamon to your coffee drink, toast or even pork chops. There are endless ways you can incorporate cinnamon into your day.

Get apples and cinnamon by slicing some apples and sprinkling them with cinnamon then roasting them in the oven or frying pan.

Avocados Kick Start Energy

Subway sure got something right… avocados are a powerhouse of nutrients and properties that are sure to help anyone trying to lose weight. I think avocados make the list on any superfood list! What makes them so powerful is the monounsaturated fat that they have. Adding avocados to your meal will give you an energy boost, help you burn fat faster and trim some inches around that waistline.

Posted in diet, featured, Weight Loss.

Qsymia – New Weight Loss Drug approved by FDA

Qsymia is a very exciting new weight loss drug approved by the FDA on July 17 2012. Qsymia is actually a combination of two different drugs, phentermine and topiramate, that are already approved and used widely. Phentermine is known as an appetite suppressant and Topiramate as an anti-seizure drug for epileptics. Qsymia was initially denied in October 2010 due to concerns about possible side effects (more below), and sent back for further testing. Although there are still some concerns, particularly when overused, the FDA decided the plethora of health problems associated with the exploding obesity epidemic are far worse.

What’s the big deal about Qsymia?

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Posted in diet, featured, Weight Loss.

Spirulina Explained: Here's What You Need to Know About this Healing Superfood

One of the oldest life forms on Earth, spirulina is a blue-green microalgae that helped produce the oxygen in our atmosphere billions of years ago so that other life forms could appear. The original ‘superfood,’ spirulina is so nutrient dense that you could survive on it and water alone.

Hundreds of studies have confirmed spirulina’s powerhouse status. It has 60-70% complete protein, meaning it has all 8 essential amino acids and 10 non-essential ones that support good health. That’s more protein than beef, chicken or soybeans. According to Balch, it contains concentrations of nutrients “unlike any other single grain, herb, or plant.” Some of its other valuable components include: gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, vitamin B12, iron, nucleic acids RNA & DNA, chlorophyll and phycocyanin, which is found only in blue-green algae and has been shown to increase survival rates in mice with liver cancer (Balch).

Spirulina is highly digestible, protects the immune system, aids in mineral absorption and reduces cholesterol. Originally from warm alkaline lakes in Africa and Central and South America, spirulina was consumed by Aborigines of those places (including the Aztecs) for centuries, verifying its safety and healthful effects on the body.

Why take it?

In his book Eat to Live, Dr. Joel Fuhrman talks about the importance of eating nutrient-rich foods to maintain healthy weight, avoid or correct chronic and degenerative disease and maximize longevity. Spirulina is perhaps the most nutritious food source known to humans and has been used all over the world for centuries for both its nutritional density and its medicinal qualities

Spirulina is a source of vitality and life energy. Consumers of spirulina usually notice an increase in energy and overall health. It supplies nutrients needed to cleanse and heal while providing protection from all kinds of cancers as well as multiple viruses including influenza, herpes, mumps, measles and AIDS.

It’s common knowledge that we should all eat fish for the omega fatty acid content. Where do fish get their high omega content? Blue-green algae like spirulina. Omegas are essential in fighting heart disease, reducing arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, and depression as well as lowering bad cholesterol. The high content of vitamin B12 makes it excellent for the development of healthy nerve tissue and the metabolism of every cell in the body. This means spirulina helps with nerve damage and diseases such as fibromyalgia. Spirulina is also known for its high content of beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A, an essential nutrient needed for healthy immunity, teeth, bones, mucous membranes, skin and eyes.

Spirulina also contains all the other B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin E, calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium and zinc. It has various antioxidants, phytonutrients and carotenoids. It protects the brain and detoxifies the liver and kidneys. It balances pH to reduce inflammation, the root of much disease. It balances the immune system, including calming an overactive one, which is significant because overactive (or inflamed) immune systems are responsible for autoimmune diseases. These usually have their root in poor nutrition and digestion, which spirulina also helps correct.

Additional Benefits

Its superfood status means spirulina has many more benefits. It increases antioxidant protection, fights free radicals, fights the aging process, curbs appetite and promotes weight loss, supports health cardiovascular function, improves the digestion process and gastrointestinal health, creates beneficial flora in the digestive tract and makes the body produce more red and white blood cells which kill germs and viruses (

Spirulina’s antimicrobial effects help control the growth of pathogenic bacteria and yeasts. The chlorophyl means it is a blood cleanser. It also oxygenates the blood. Polysaccharides improve the functionality of bone marrow, thymus, and spleen cells (

Spirulina is good for the skin too: it improves age spots, eczema, acne and rashes. It’s good for the eyes as well, helping with glaucoma, cataracts and poor vision (

Studies have shown that spirulina improves allergies and respiratory function and enhances exercise performance (

Balch says taking spirulina between meals is beneficial for hypoglycemics because the high protein content stabilizes blood sugar levels.

How to get it in your diet

Spirulina is named for the spiraling shape it makes as it grows. It grows best in warm, fresh water lakes, but is also found in saltwater and natural springs. It is what gives bodies of water their dark green color. It is harvested and turned into a thick paste, dried, and packed into powder or flakes to be turned into tablets or capsules (

It is highly digestible and does not have the tough cell wall that others algae have. Most find the taste unpleasant. You can get flakes to add to food or smoothies, but most prefer to take it as a supplement, in pill form.

Other things you should know

Spirulina is one of the main go-to foods for protection from harmful radiation. It protects the organs and helps detoxify the radiation out of the body ( It was used to treat the children of Chernobyl.

Spirulina has no side effects; it is very safe. It does contain iodine, to which some may be allergic. If you haven’t detoxed in awhile, add it to your regime slowly or you may experience the ill effects of detoxing.

Some of it is wild harvested and tested for safety and purity while other is farmed to control environmental contaminates. Research the brand you choose or ask a qualified supplement consultant at a health food store.

It is inexpensive, easy to find and it stores well. It is a great addition to your diet (as well as your disaster kit) so stock up!

Learn more:

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Amazing Swimsuit Arms in 3 Super Simple Moves

Losing weight and getting in decent shape is one thing, but toning up the arms is often a very tough challenge for women. Getting your arms ready to show off in an evening dress or even a swimsuit doesn’t have to be as tough as you think, though. If you’re like many women, you’ve tried and tried and nothing has seemed to work in the past. You can run till you drop and tone your entire body, but your arms (especially the top under-arms) just laugh at you. If that sounds familiar, don’t fret… here are some simple moves that will help you finally conquer the mystery of toning up those arms.

Cardio Counts

When you think about toning your arms, you probably don’t think about running, aerobics or swimming. But all of these can help… anything that gets you moving and gets your cardio going. Cardiovascular exercise is an important part of any muscle-toning you want to do. Simply targeting one area and only working that area will not give you the results that you’re looking for. So before we get into arm-specific moves, we want to emphasize that you have to include cardio workouts into your routine regularly. Aim for five hours of cardio each and every week. We’re not saying you have to dedicate a full hour five times per day, either. You can split this five hours up however you like, but just be sure to shoot for getting in a full five hours throughout the week.

Strength Training

Like we said, you don’t want to focus on just one muscle or area that you want to tone. So as you do these, remember that on some days you should be focusing on other areas, too. The more muscle you build through strength training, the more calories you’ll burn naturally. Building muscle increases your metabolism, which is a great way to get passive calorie-burning going on.

To begin with, you’ll need a couple of dumbbells. Using two small ones is better than one big one, because you can control your movements more precisely, but either will work. If you have one big one and can’t get two little ones right now, then start with that until you’re able to get two small ones.

Rear-Facing Arm Lifts

Get your dumbbells out and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch out your arms behind you with your hand sitting slightly behind your upper thighs. Of course, if you’re using two dumbbells, you’ll have one in each hand and if you’re using a single one then you’ll be holding it with both hands.

Lift the dumbbell(s) up until it starts to become uncomfortable – don’t go past that or you will risk getting hurt. Keeping your arms straight, lower them back down slowly and repeat the lift.

Sidearm Lifts

For this one, you really need two small dumbbells since you’ll be doing them both at the same time and one large one may be too heavy to do for single arm lifts. Put one dumbbell in each hand and let your arms relax by your sides. Slowly lift your arms straight out to the sides until they get to shoulder height. Lower them and keep doing the lifts. Lifting them shoulder height shouldn’t be painful. If it is, then it’s likely that your weights are too heavy.

Straight-Up Lifts

Remember at the beginning when we talked about the underside of the upper arms often being the toughest to tame? Those areas that sag are often referred to as saddlebags. This exercise is a great way to get rid of them and tone that area. Unlike the sidearm lifts, where two small dumbbells are pretty much required, you can do this one with two small ones or one larger one.

Put your arms straight up. Now bend them at the elbows to bring your hands down behind your head holding the dumbbells. Lift ‘em straight up above your head slowly, lower and repeat. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t do many of these, as it’s a more advanced lift than the others. Just do what’s comfortable and over time you’ll be able to add more.


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Timeless Easy Tips for Anti-Aging

Sure, Garcinia Cambogia might help you drop a few pounds, but If you want to look younger, do you have to make drastic changes in your day to day routines? However, there are a number of small changes you can work on that will help keep the years from showing up on your face. Even if you just update your style and do things just a little bit different, you can see some big results…

Don’t Forget to Exfoliate

As you get older, cell turnover starts to slow down. Exfoliating regularly will help your skin rejuvenate and stay younger looking. It will help keep your complexion smooth and youthful, as well as improve the texture and tone of your skin. Exfoliating should be a gentle process though, so stay away from harsh cleansers. Instead, look for a gentle scrub or one that contains lactic acid (One that you can try is the Philosophy Microdelivery One Minute Purifying Enzyme Peel). If you have problem areas like sun spots, then you should try to find something that uses retinol.

The rest of the tips we’re going to go over are more related to style and beauty… from the right lipstick to help for choosing the best hair style that will help you look younger.

Leave Dark Lipstick in the Past

Using a dark color lipstick will make your lips appear smaller, for one. Secondly, dark lipstick will make almost anyone look older than they really are. So when you’re putting your makeup on for the day or you’re shopping for new lipstick, look for lighter, paler shades of color. Another option is to use gloss instead. There are plenty of glosses available now that will still give you a hint of color without overdoing it. As for applying lipstick, try using a touch of concealer on your lip lines so that your lipstick doesn’t creep into all the little lines around your lips. Of course, lip liner is always a viable option too.

Say No to Powder

At one time, about all your makeup consisted of something in powder form. Today there are many more options available that are better… powder easily brings out all the fine wrinkles, which is obviously something you don’t want. One of the best choices today is to use a tinted moisturizer. The second choice is a liquid foundation or one that’s creamy.

Light and Lovely – The Right Haircut

It’s surprising how many women go years with the same haircut and style. As you get older, you shouldn’t ignore your hair. Of course, there’s no hard fast rules etched into concrete. If you like short hair or long hair, both are fine… as long as you use the right cut and style. No matter how long your hair is, it should have some ‘life’ to it and not just be hopelessly dangling around your shoulders.  Try layers, choppy & sassy.

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Taking the WORK Out of Working Out!

If you’re trying to shape up, then you’re bound to know that there are literally hundreds of different kinds of exercises you can do. The problem a lot of people face is they simply never find the right one for them – that exercise routine that they actually enjoy and look forward to doing. Some people enjoy walking, jogging, riding a bike, swimming or something else that keeps them outdoors. Others don’t enjoy the outdoors as much and would prefer working out at the gym with weights, machines or taking different group classes.

If you enjoy the outdoors and live an area that often has nice weather, then consider trying to get a group of friends together to get out and exercise together. You could do weekly hiking trips, jogs or head to the river (or whatever water is nearby) for an afternoon of swimming. If you’re into sports, then you all could hit the batting cages or form games of softball, tennis, basketball or hit the golf course and driving range.

The possibilities are endless. It all just depends on what you like to do. A lot of people get bored with doing just a particular thing, too. So mix it up some. Hit the gym one day and on another day you and your friends can shoot some hoops. Exercise doesn’t have to be tedious, boring or ‘hard work’. There are all kinds of things that are fun and you probably enjoy that you didn’t even really consider exercise before. Heck, even getting out in the garden for the afternoon is a form of exercise.

Check in with your local gyms and see what they offer. Today there are all kinds of different classes that are often available. From yoga and pilates (you’d be surprised just how challenging those can be regardless of whether you have always considered them ‘sissy’ like), to kickboxing, to the new big craze – Zumba.
Pick something and just get started. Try new things. Eventually you’re going to find the perfect fit for you and end up with a routine that’s tailor made for you. Just don’t get into a rut doing the same thing and always try to challenge yourself. Swimming doesn’t seem like much, but it’s actually one of the best things you can do. The resistance your muscles get is amazing and it works just about every muscle in your body.

It really doesn’t matter what you’re doing as long as you’re getting out there and doing something for about half an hour per day. Find a few things you like and switch ‘em up as you go along so you’re never getting bored and your body doesn’t get to used to it. If you’re doing the same exact thing constantly, your body adjusts to it and will end up not getting much out of it.

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