Sure, Garcinia Cambogia might help you drop a few pounds, but If you want to look younger, do you have to make drastic changes in your day to day routines? However, there are a number of small changes you can work on that will help keep the years from showing up on your face. Even if you just update your style and do things just a little bit different, you can see some big results…
Don’t Forget to Exfoliate
As you get older, cell turnover starts to slow down. Exfoliating regularly will help your skin rejuvenate and stay younger looking. It will help keep your complexion smooth and youthful, as well as improve the texture and tone of your skin. Exfoliating should be a gentle process though, so stay away from harsh cleansers. Instead, look for a gentle scrub or one that contains lactic acid (One that you can try is the Philosophy Microdelivery One Minute Purifying Enzyme Peel). If you have problem areas like sun spots, then you should try to find something that uses retinol.
The rest of the tips we’re going to go over are more related to style and beauty… from the right lipstick to help for choosing the best hair style that will help you look younger.
Leave Dark Lipstick in the Past
Using a dark color lipstick will make your lips appear smaller, for one. Secondly, dark lipstick will make almost anyone look older than they really are. So when you’re putting your makeup on for the day or you’re shopping for new lipstick, look for lighter, paler shades of color. Another option is to use gloss instead. There are plenty of glosses available now that will still give you a hint of color without overdoing it. As for applying lipstick, try using a touch of concealer on your lip lines so that your lipstick doesn’t creep into all the little lines around your lips. Of course, lip liner is always a viable option too.
Say No to Powder
At one time, about all your makeup consisted of something in powder form. Today there are many more options available that are better… powder easily brings out all the fine wrinkles, which is obviously something you don’t want. One of the best choices today is to use a tinted moisturizer. The second choice is a liquid foundation or one that’s creamy.
Light and Lovely – The Right Haircut
It’s surprising how many women go years with the same haircut and style. As you get older, you shouldn’t ignore your hair. Of course, there’s no hard fast rules etched into concrete. If you like short hair or long hair, both are fine… as long as you use the right cut and style. No matter how long your hair is, it should have some ‘life’ to it and not just be hopelessly dangling around your shoulders. Try layers, choppy & sassy.